Saturday, July 14, 2007


Cat's busy with camp, studying for the GRE (which is this sort of test thing she's taking in August - I guess it's sort of important), and reading Harry Potter. She's also working on the final make-up design for her costume for the release of the new Harry Potter book. Most of her time is taken up by camp though.

Now on to the real news. Anyone who knows Clem will remember that he was suffering from a beanie deficiency. This deficiency was making him look thin, ill, and distinctly un-Clem-like.

There is good news however. After Cat and Mr. Cat's Dad located the tackiest beanie-pillow currently on the market, Cat and Mrs. Cat's Mom ransacked the pillow for beanies for a Beanie Transfusion into Clem. The procedure started at approximately 3:30 and took about 45 minutes to complete. It was principally performed by Mrs. Cat's Mom because of her superior knowledge and experience in stuffed-animal emergency care. Clem is now resting comfortably, under the care of his friends. Mrs. Cat's Mom has informed us that a secondary procedure might be necessary once the new beanies settle. This would be done sometime in mid-August, before our return to school.

Let us all hope and pray for a complete recovery.