Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Late in Posting, as Usual

We have again have been lax in posting. I blame Miss Caitlin - she has been ill and very busy and she has quite hogged all the computer time.

Miss Caitlin's illness is thought to be linked to mold (or something else toxic) in her apartment. We have just returned from spending several days away, during which Miss Caitlin's health improved significantly. She has contacted her landlord and they are looking into the problem and possible solutions. Miss Caitlin fears that it may mean moving to another apartment.

No word from Josey. Miss Caitlin suggests, and I concur, that this is likely due to the fact the CFJ and Josey are occupied with a variety of things, which may not include writing to us. Additionally, there is a major delay in mailing times between here and Greece.

Miss Caitlin has finished classes for the semester, and has a bit of a break for the next few weeks during which she is only working. Mrs. Caitlin's Mother will likely come down next week to help Miss Caitlin clean. Cleaning would probably mitigate Miss Caitlin's illness until further action can be taken. Or so Miss Caitlin hopes.

The ants have not returned, though the spiders are moving back in. Miss Caitlin will be glad to finish cleaning, as the spiders are less likely to be a problem after a good cleaning.