Thursday, April 26, 2007

Finals Stuff

Cat's working on finals stuff. That means papers and a website project. Next week she'll have a few tests, too. The website sounds very yummy. It's for a local bakery - they'll actually use it and put it on the web after the semester is over! It's very exciting. But it makes me want cake from reading all of the descriptions!

It's rainy and has been for a while. It made the ceiling leak. Cat had to get up in the middle of the night last night (because it can't leak during the day, when it'd be less inconvenient) and put a bucket under the leaks. She wasn't happy. The Landlady said they'd be out to try to fix it as soon as the weather's not drippy. Theoretically, that should be soon.

Mr. Cat's Grandpa has to have heart surgery. It's going to be on the 7th of Mayl. Everyone should pray for him. Oh yeah, and Cat's Bother is getting his gall bladder removed on the 15th. No one really cares (including Cat's Bother) because it's not very serious, especially compared to Mr. Cat's Grandpa's surgery. But you can pray for him, too, if you want.

We leave for Greece the day after Mr. Cat's Grandpa's surgery. It's finally going to happen! Mr. Cat's Dad is going to take us to the airport. And he's going to take Cat to get some stuff before we go (like a passport pocket), but I don't know if he knows that yet. We'll try to put up pictures while we're in Greece.

Deirdre is going to China! She gets to go someplace DIFFERENT too! Maybe we'll put up some of her pictures after she comes back.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Cat's got Finals coming up. It means she's really boring. She and Snibbly have been reading these plays by a dead guy called Euripides and some other ones making fun of this dead guy called Euripides. She has to write a paper about it for Monday or something . . .

In unrelated news, we're going to Greece! Soon! She's started making lists and stuff of what to buy and what to bring (we're at the top of the list). I'm really excited! I get to see some place that's not school, home, or Mr. and Mrs. Cat's Grandparents' house. Not that those places aren't nice - but Greece is DIFFERENT! Cat says that Adrien is going to China - I wonder if she's taking Deirdre. That'd be awesome! She'd get to go somewhere DIFFERENT too!

Before I forget, Snibbly and I both want to say sorry to Wolfgang von Bear (also known as Cat's soul) and Eeyore, because they weren't in the picture but we made it sound like they guys in the picture were our only friends at Cat's home house and that's not true. We have a lot of friends that didn't make it into the picture. So sorry guys, we love you too.

Sauinkoku's second seasons started, but it hasn't been translated yet. It makes me sad.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Cat took us home for Easter. The train was not very fun because no one she knows came home on the same day. She listened to a lot of music. When we got home, Caitlin gave the dress she had been working on to Comfort, one of her oldest friends (Comfort is old enough to vote if it wasn't for the unfair discrimination against Cabbage Patch Dolls). The jumper and hat Cat made for her are the first new clothes that Comfort has gotten since before Clinton was President. Comfort is especially excited about the hat - the boys had hats, but Comfort never did. Here's a picture of her in her pretty new clothes. Cat made a shirt for herself out of the fabric and she used the scraps for the dress and hat.

Here's a picture of most of our friends at Mr. and Mrs. Cat's Parent's House. There's (from left to rightish) Baby, Panya, Sully (the dog), Sheepy, Percy, Lord King Reggie, Me, Snibbly, and Dog.

We're having a pretty good time. Cat got new shoes (so she can walk us around in Greece) and she's going to go for a walk with Mr. Cat's Dad later to start breaking them in. I guess breaking shoes in is pretty important. She's also going to have to do her taxes, which sounds like a mystical activity.

Saiunkoku Monogatari is over and I'm sad . . . Until Season Two starts! If they didn't have a second season, I would be really sad because there was still a lot of lose ends. In fact, there was no real conclusion. I guess the second season starts really soon.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Punctuation is a Good Thing

I like punctuation. I use punctuation, unlike some stupids out on the internet. I don't know all the fancy names for things, (like some stupids I know that sit all day on a certain speaker reading facts about Egyptian art so he can impress a certain sow . . .) but I do know punctuation is important. Cat had to explain why these two paragraphs say exactly the opposite of each other, even though they use the same words in the same order. Read it and learn to appreciate periods and commas. Is funny.

Dear Jack,
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we’re apart. I can be forever happy – will you let me be yours?

Dear Jack,
I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men I yearn! For you I have no feelings whatsoever. When we’re apart I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?