The model is seriously cool. Cat doesn't seem to think so, she keeps swearing at it. I was sitting in it (in the pool - that's right, the set has a pool!), but Cat get muttering "Tipsy you're not to scale" and chasing me out. Whatever that means. I think calling me fat is not a nice way of saying I'm in the way.
She has to finish up the pool and the waterfall and make the last piece - a little gazebo with a dome on top. She's saving that for last. Depending on how much time she has, she'll make it more elaborate. She also has to make a little tree. She was going to use real twigs, but since they've all been encased in ice and snow since last Thursday, that's not going to happen. So she's going to buy some things. Too bad it's not supposed to be an evergreen - she could mutilate a Christmas wreath.
Cat's been alternating between listening to Rufus Wainwright and Madonna. I'm trying to wrap my head around that. I'm not sure I'll be able to.
Cat feels bad that she hasn't worked on her paper that much, but she says she's less concerned about it - she's written ten page papers from scratch the day before they were due before, so this isn't so bad she says. It's already half written and the teacher gave comments. Still, a good deal of Wednesday will be set aside for it. Cat hopes (knock on wood) to fire the waterfall (it's made from sculpy clay) either tomorrow night or the day after (ashita to asate in Japanese, if anyone cares . . . ). If she can do that, she thinks she'll be in good shape.
Look at the pictures to see how it has come along. Everyone's going to be glad to get the squares side of the battlemat back.
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