Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Home Stretch

Cat's almost done! She has one class left to go to, one final, a short paper to write and her long paper to revise. That's it before graduation next week. Oh, and her one act play goes up tomorrow. But that's like not that important, right?

She was really cranky earlier in the week because she was really busy. Snibbly was snarky because she asked Josey to hold onto the rain tickets for graduation so they don't get lost. He said that it was a lot of responsibility for Josey and maybe he should do it. Cat told him she didn't want to hear it. Teehee! That means "shut up!" Cat told Snibbly to shut up! So now he's moping and Cat's relying on me and Josey to keep track of things on her desk.

It's all crazy because Cat is starting to pack things up. She has accumulated a surprising amount of stuff over the last two years. It's hard to find things right now. Mr. and Mrs. Cat's Parents are coming to take a bunch of her stuff back home-home tomorrow, and they'll see her play while they're here.

Cat's really antsy still because she hasn't heard about assistantships yet. She really needs one to go to Library School and she'll have to owe lots of money to people if she doesn't get one. Or not go to Library School, and that would be sad, so I think these assistantship people should arrange something for her. Anyway, she'd have zero stress if they just said, yeah, here's a nice assistantship for you. I asked Snibbly what exactly an assistantship was (because if it's so important, maybe we could get one for her), but he wouldn't answer me. Josey says she thinks it's kinda like a job, but I don't know how she knows. I guess she's a good listener and pays attention when Cat talks to people about stuff like that. I just go to sleep then . . . Anyway, I want to go to Library School with Cat, but we got to wait on this assistantship thing.

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