Sunday, December 28, 2008

Miss Dierdre's Visit and Christmas

Miss Dierdre came to visit us, arriving late in the evening of the 22nd, and leaving the morning of the 24th. Due to inclement weather, she estimated that she spent as much time in transportation as she actually did in visitation. While this was unfortunate, it was better than not being able to see my dear friend at all, as we have not been together since Miss Caitlin and Miss Adrien graduated from college. This was a sad situation without remedy except such as the two ladies devised. Since the weather was poorly, Miss Caitlin and Miss Adrien spent most of the time inside, playing games with Miss Caitlin's Bother and watching a particularly terrible Japanese drama.

After Miss Adrien and Miss Dierdre left, Mr. Caitlin's Father arrived. On Christmas morning, it was found that a most unwelcome guest had stowed away with him on the way down and hidden herself in Miss Caitlin's stocking - that devious Sheepy. A picture will not be provided as she is not worth it. She has, however, been behaving since arriving. She will depart when Miss Caitlin goes north to visit her grandparents next week and observe the work on the family house. She will not return.

Miss Caitlin has her splints removed tomorrow. She will be immensely relieved, as will everyone else. Their lingering presence has her predispositioned toward crabbiness. It does not help that she is rather stuffy but can do nothing about it. She feels that she will be much more cheerful after they are removed tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be the first day in the rest of her life of easy breathing.

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