Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sping Break

We have confirmed successful initiation of the Plan. I repeat, confirmed success. We have received word from Caitlin's Favorite Junior (hereafter referred to as CFJ) that Josey, acting as an agent on behalf of all animals who currently own Miss Caitlin, has arrived safely in Greece and is studying the area with CFJ.

CFJ wrote us a letter, informing us that Josey had arrived in Athens, but that she had been a little jet lagged from the trip in the box. The week she arrived, she recovered while CFJ went to class, then CFJ took Josey on a short trip to Crete, where it seems they visited several Minoan sites. CFJ writes that the site at Phaestos is very well preserved - I am rather jealous that Josey has the opportunity to visit such a historic site. CFJ reports that their next trip should be to Sparta. I am positive that more information will be forthcoming as CFJ has the chance to write. She had not found a place to let her upload her pictures, but she assures us that she did take some. Perhaps by the time Josie returns and can tell us all herself, the pictures will be available.

In other news, I feel it is necessary to point out that this was not uploaded sooner because Miss Caitlin went to visit her family, took the computer, but did not take us. So we missed the opportunity to see Percy, the King, Dog, and all our other friends at Miss Caitlin's Mother and Father's house. She remembered to take the tax documents away from Tipsy so they would be packed, but she did not take us. Just to be clear.

Yesterday, to make things exciting, the kitchen was invaded from the outside. They were small. They were black. And they were all over the sink. Miss Caitlin's Mother thinks the ants were probably after water - which was odd since it had just rained. But so far there is no evidence that hte ants made it into any food. Miss Caitlin purchased some spray and traps, which have taken care of this wave of the invasion. Miss Caitlin fears that they have only momentarily retreated to regroup, and that they will assail us again. She encourages us all to constant vigilance. Meanwhile, the caustic odor of the spray lingers in kitchen.

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