Sunday, July 20, 2008

HTML Class 2

Miss Caitlin and I have started our second HTML class, having mastered the very basics in our earlier class. This class features more difficult assignments, and we are encouraged to display them. I will endeavor to do so in order to quell our readers' interests.

The first assignment was a rather unattractive table. If we made this on behalf of a client, I think they would refuse to pay us. The point, however, is that we have the ability to manipulate the basic parameters for a table.


In other news, Miss Caitlin is off this week but is engaged to spend most of that time at her grandparents', visiting with her cousins. Little else of interest has transpired, though Miss Caitlin will have it known that sleeping under the stars leads to an increased amount of bug bites on exposed skin. She suggests gloves, as bites on fingers are uncomfortable. And that, my friend, is what hooves are far superior.

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