Sunday, August 10, 2008

News from a New City

We arrived yesterday in our new apartment. Miss Caitlin was very impressed with her full kitchen (featuring a full-sized stove and a freezer that is not set into her fridge). She is also greatly enjoying her full living room, though admittedly at this moment it is submerged in boxes.

More exciting news than the new apartment is the fact that Miss Caitlin now has an assistantship! One of the people on staff at the Undergraduate Library had to resign suddenly, and she was their next choice! This means that Miss Caitlin will be submitted to intensive training starting Thursday. The itinerary looks much the way as Miss Caitlin expected her Reference Services syllabus to look. It seems she'll have one easy class this semester . . .

Miss Caitlin is also under consideration for a position with a family. She would be a general hand around the house for them - shuttling kids, supervising them, and helping with house work a couple days a week. The whole family seemed to like her when she spent the afternoon with them today, but Caitlin still has to do all her paperwork with them (and with the people for the assistantship).

Miss Caitlin is likely to be very occupied in the next two weeks before classes start, but she is very good shape financially, and that's important. She seemed very relieved once she got news about the assistantship, so all of us are very glad for her.

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