Friday, December 15, 2006


I have the honor to be Snibbly Pig, described by my friends as sensitive, intelligent, and in all ways a true gentlepig. I live with my Mistress, Miss Caitlin, who is currently a student of literature and theater at university. It is her computer that we are using, though we haven't managed to tell her that yet . . . In any event, I hope to discuss great thoughts and works of literature, as well as the other things my Mistress reads. Admittedly, not everything she reads is intellectual in nature, but she does manage to find enjoyable books. Mistress maintains a fair number animals, of which Tipsy and I only represent a few. When this idea was first discussed, our jovial friend Clem also expressed an interest in the project, though he can't type himself since his hooves are too big for the exacting art of typing. Tipsy was going to take dictation from him, but he has decided instead to search for truffles in Mistress's black sweater. It has long been rumored among the pigs of our household to contain truffles, but as far as I know, none have yet been discovered. I have all but given up what must surely be a fruitless search, but Clem is a natural optimist. Perhaps you will understand later. And perhaps he will join us at a later date.

Only today, Miss Caitlin has discussed with one of her friends the possibility of doing a later game! Miss Caitlin has been exerting most of her creative energy on her creative writing class this past semester and on designing adventures for her role-playing group. I am glad to see her attention being focused on a more relaxing exercise. Though she does appear to enjoy the role-playing nonsense. In any event, her classwork prevented her from participating in write a novel month in November. Early next semester, working on the school theater's production of Taming of the Shrew will probably prevent her from working on her novel. But the letter game should provide a creative outlet without getting in the way of her various other activities.

Hi. I'm Tipsy. I'm a cow. I like movies. And Cat lets me watch anime with her. I also watch her play video games. It's cos I usually hang on her monitor, but if I do that while she's watching something or playing games, I tend to block the top corner, and then she messes things up. I read okay, but I don't sneak into Cat's books like Snibbly does. I'm also not as snotty as Snibbly is. I have to read to watch anime, since we watch fansubs and they are always dubbed. Even if we rent or borrow anime, we watch it in Japanese because the dubbing's usually bad. Cat likes music too. Though she doesn't have a radio, so we don't ever hear what's new. She likes folky things and things that are smart or pretty. She doesn't like it if you can't understand the words when you're supposed to. It's okay when you're not, cos the words are in Latin or French or Romanian or something. Now we're listening to 80's music. I think it's funny. Snibbly thinks it's grating. He thinks that about my earing too, so I don't pay attention to him. You can if you want to.

Snibbly says that's enough of an introduction. He also says he's not snotty. Whatever, I'm spunkier and that makes me more cool.

We'll write again some other time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm quite glad that you've finally found a way to amuse yourselves and show others what fun you are!
